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Grand Prairie strives to preserve a standard of beauty, dignity and cleanliness in our cemetery. To achieve this our Trustees have adopted the following Rules & Regulations that we expect all family members and visitors to follow.

Respecting the Proprietorship and Occupancy of Lots in the Grand Prairie Cemetery

  1. The cemetery is closed from dusk to dawn.
  2. There will be no fence, hedge, cutting or any other material
    allowed to be used on the burial lots, graves or flowerbeds
    within the cemetery.

  3. Lots will not be used for any other purpose than as a place of burial of human remains and the erection of memorials to their memory. The design of the memorial must be approved by the trustees. No marble is permitted to be used. The cemetery is not responsible for any damage that might occur to the memorials, flowerbeds or any act of vandalism.
  4. No monument or marker will be erected on any lot or deed is permitted without the consent of the trustees or their agent. Only one monument or marker will be permitted on a grave. Government markers may be installed per the cemetery's policy. Please see agent for more information.
  5. No transfer on any lot or deed is permitted without the consent of the trustees.
  6. If any inscription placed upon any lot is deemed to be offensive or improper, the trustees or agent shall have the right to remove said offensive object.
  7. Dogs or animals are not permitted on the cemetery grounds.
  8. Riding upon a bicycle will be permitted within the cemetery as long as they remain on existing drives. No person will be permitted to disturb the quiet or good order of the place in any way.
  9. The discharging of firearms is prohibited in or around cemetery grounds to a distance of one hundred yards.
  10. Interments will not be allowed without a burial permit. Interment burial fees must be paid to the cemetery agent before any burial takes place.
  11. All care of the graves is the responsibility of the cemetery custodian with the exception of the flowerbeds. All grass mowing will be done by the cemetery custodian or his agents.
  12. The placing of boxes, shells, toys (metal and wood), cement, urns, ornaments of any kind, chairs, vases, crosses (glass, wood, iron or plastic), artificial animals, tin cans, balloons, crockery, wastebaskets, pumpkins, pails, cardboard cartons, etc. is not permitted.
  13. The following will not be permitted:
    • Wrought iron or any type of overhead or hanging
      flower holders.​
    • Arrangements or flowers staked or wired into place.
    • Statues of any type or material.
    • Remembrance lights, solar lights or candles and holders.
    • No marble, granite or stone chips are allowed. Only organic materials may be used any place on lots.
    • Evergreen shrubs may be planted under the supervision of the Cemetery Superintendent, if not they will be removed.
    • Hardy plants such as peonies, rose bushes, iris, hardy mums, etc. are not permitted.
  14. Flower beds are to â€‹be planted in front (graveside) of the stone, the length and width of the stone. No flowers are permitted anywhere else on the lot. In case of no stone, a small flower bed may be made in line with other markers. Planters may be used when first approved by the cemetery office.
  15. When bushes are uncared for, become too large or grow over adjoining lots, the cemetery reserves the right to remove them without the lot owner's consent.
  16. Artificial decorations are allowed only on top of the stone. Nothing artificial of any type is allowed on the ground from March 1st to November 1st. Grave blankets may be used but must be removed by March 1st.
  17. Veterans' graves will be marked with the appropriate flag staff and American flag before Memorial Day.
  18. Any commemorative tree may be donated to the cemetery, subject to approval of the cemetery trustees. Planting and location will be the decision of the trustees.

Information relative to laying foundations for monuments and markers may be obtained from cemetery office.

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